Use Cases

  • Two-sided marketplaces (Lyft, Kickstarter, Gumroad)
  • Affiliate programs
  • Subcontractor payouts


  • Airtable Scripts
  • to fire webhooks
  • Stripe Connect


  • [ ] Adding sellers to Stripe
  • [ ] The onboarding process for sellers
  • [ ] Monitor the seller status in Stripe
  • [ ] Add seller’s products to Stripe
  • [ ] Generate a price for each product that is added
  • [ ] Generate a payment link that can be used

Before you start

  • Create a Stripe account and go through the Connect onboarding process
  • Set up your Airtable base or copy mine from below

Our use case

Connor’s Op Shop

An online second-hand store where sellers can add their second-hand clothes to the store and on-sell them to customers.

Connor’s Op Shop takes a cut between 15-20% per item sold.

The front-end of our store will be a public Airtable Gallery view.

Copy the store here